Head of Government

Mr of Government of Catalonia
Pere Aragonès Garcia
Catalonia is a longstanding advocate of the key role of subnational governments in nature conservation and thus a proud funding member of the RwN.
The success of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework adopted for urgent and transformative action to reverse biodiversity loss and ecosystem restauration relies on the action and cooperation by all levels of government and by all actors of society.
The Strategy is the framework document which will guide the Government of Catalonia's nature conservation work until 2030. It is articulated on the basis of six guiding principles: knowledge and information, nature conservation, territorial model, sectoral policies, administrative organisation and society engagement.
The Observatory is a body for sharing knowledge and collaborating to improve nature management and conservation policies, based on reliable and up-to-date scientific knowledge. Research institutions, museums, administrations, civil society and the general public are the main constituents of this body.