Welcome to RegionsWithNature

RegionsWithNature is a partnership initiative that supports regional and subnational government officials and other stakeholders to enhance ecosystem restoration, biodiversity conservation and nature-based solutions in their regions

RegionsWithNature provides the UN Biodiversity-recognized platform where subnational and regional governments such as states, provinces, domains, and territories can:

CONNECT with regional and subnational leaders and their partners from around the world;

ACCESS tools and resources on nature-based solutions, ecosystem restoration, biodiversity conservation and other thematic areas; and,

SHARE regional commitments to achieving the global biodiversity and ecosystem restoration goals.

butterfly butterfly butterfly butterfly butterfly butterfly

RegionsWithNature is a unique new platform that boosts nature action by regional governments.

Soon you will be able to use this platform to

  • Connect with other regions and partners from around the world.
  • Access tools + resources on nature-based solutions, ecosystem restoration and biodiversity conservation.
  • Share your region's commitments to achieving the global nature goals.
Do you work at the city level? Visit our sister platform, CitiesWithNature.
About RegionsWithNature

Regional/subnational governments – such as provinces, states and prefectures – need a dedicated space to support their nature ambitions and to enhance multi-level governance for nature. RegionsWithNature is the place for regions and their partners to make their voices heard, to share their experiences, and to showcase their commitments towards achieving national and global biodiversity targets. 

CitiesWithNature & RegionsWithNature in


Cities & regions from


21 October 2022

Significant recognition for cities and subnational governments at COP 15: Announcing the 7th Summit for Subnational Governments and Cities and its associated Pavilion


22 August 2022

RegionsWithNature launches website

02 August 2022

UN Ocean Conference 2022 leads to political declaration

02 August 2022

Nairobi meetings acknowledge key role of subnational governments in tackling biodiversity loss

Stay up to date or join RegionsWithNature
RegionsWithNature builds upon the success of CitiesWithNature and the advocacy efforts led by the Advisory Committee on Subnational Governments (AC SNG) and its operational partners, Regions4 Sustainable Development, the Group of Leading Subnational Governments towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets (GoLS) and the European Committee of the Regions. RegionsWithNature is a free platform that you can join TODAY!


    RegionsWithNature is a partnership initiative that is being developed by a number of founding partners, including:

    • © Copyright RegionsWithNature 2025